
Why research cyclic damage mechanisms?

The development of new components for dynamically loaded applications has to satisfy several contradictory demands. On the one hand the main goal is to realize light-weight design, which is fundamental for all components in motion, and on the other the development and manufacturing costs should be minimized. To meet these diverging aims simultaneously it is important to combine new durability assessment methods with the optimal application of the material together with innovative manufacturing processes.

Integrating novel fatigue tests with numerical simulation makes it possible to close the gap between simple specimen tests and the complexly loaded component. Virtual Product Development is today`s keyword for simulating the whole lifetime of a component taking into account all manufacturing and operational influences from the feedstock to the finished product in use.

The meeting will cover lectures on topics concerning fatigue strength and mechanical engineering as well as analysis of interactions between cyclic loadings and mechanical as well as tribological aspects. The following thematic sessions are planned on these subjects and particular attention will be placed on the following topics:

  • Lightweight design
  • Technological influences
  • Casting
  • Welding
  • Forming
  • Thermo-mechanical fatigue
  • Tribology
  • Multiaxial fatigue
  • Simulation tools